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5 Things You Should Know About Yourself

Life has an interesting way of teaching us valuable lessons, and one of the most profound lessons I've learned, albeit not as early as I would have liked, is the importance of self-discovery. It's not a mere option; it's a necessity. Without it, we risk doing a disservice to ourselves, whether by our own actions or by allowing others to impose it upon us.

When I say "know yourself," I'm not referring to just the basics like your name, surname, or middle name. I'm delving into a much deeper understanding of yourself: your likes, dislikes, sources of happiness, driving forces, boundaries, and more.

I do recognize that self-awareness is a journey, much like life itself. However, there are certain fundamental aspects that I've come to believe we should be clear about, aspects that we should never compromise. In this blog, I'll share five of these essential elements that can be your guiding lights on the path of self-discovery.

1. Your Life Mission: Navigating Life's Roadmap

In the past, I used to believe that crafting a mission statement was reserved for the overly ambitious and overly serious. I was content with simply "winging it" in life. But over time, I've come to appreciate the power of having a clear life mission.

It's not about being overambitious, but about being proactive and beginning with the end in mind. Understanding your life mission is like having a roadmap for your journey. You may not know every twist and turn, but you're clear on your destination. Personally, knowing my life mission has been a guiding star, providing direction and purpose in my life's journey.

2. Your Values: The Cornerstones of Character

Your values are not just words; they are the signposts guiding your life's journey. They serve as the core principles shaping your choices and defining your character. Imagine them as a roadmap helping you navigate life with clarity and purpose.

These values not only help you define what you stand for but also establish the boundaries you won't compromise. When your values are well-defined, they send a clear message to both yourself and the world about what you hold dear. They become a shield against disrespect and a declaration of your unwavering standards.

In my case, my core values include Kindness, Empathy, Honesty, and Integrity. These values aren't just words; they are my moral compass. They guide my interactions with others and my decision-making. Kindness, in particular, takes precedence in my actions, and encountering someone who doesn't align with this value is a clear sign that they may not be a positive influence in my life.

Recognizing your values allows you to stay true to yourself, making decisions that reflect your true identity.

Not knowing your values, on the other hand, can be a disservice. It's like trying to find your way in a foreign land without a map. You might find yourself making decisions that don't resonate with your true self, leading to a life that feels disconnected and inauthentic. Without your values as guiding principles, you risk losing sight of who you are and what truly matters to you.

3. Your Strengths and Weaknesses: Navigating Life's Challenges

Understanding your strengths and acknowledging your weaknesses is akin to sharpening your tools in the workshop of life. It's about knowing which tools are sharp and ready for use and which ones may need a bit of care and attention.

For me, I swiftly realized that I excelled at adapting to change and quick thinking. These were my strong suits. However, I also recognized my limits, understanding when to pause and not push too hard. This self-awareness has been instrumental in knowing myself better.

On the flip side, I acknowledged that my impatience could sometimes hinder effective collaboration. This insight prompted me to work on improving my patience and collaboration skills. Embracing both my strengths and weaknesses and committing to self-improvement based on this knowledge has significantly contributed to my personal and professional growth.

4. Your Passions and Hobbies: Unearthing Inner Treasures

Embracing your passions and hobbies is akin to discovering hidden treasures within yourself. For me, writing and traveling are not just pastimes; they are sources of boundless joy. Even if I don't monetize my love for them, they offer a respite from life's challenges, a way to unwind, and an avenue for unbridled enjoyment.

Not recognizing what brings you happiness can mean missing out on moments of joy and fulfillment. It's like having a secret treasure chest right in front of you but never opening it to uncover the riches inside.

5. Your Limiting Beliefs: Breaking Free from Self-Imposed Chains

Identifying and challenging your limiting beliefs is like breaking free from invisible chains that have held you back. One such belief I once carried was that even though I knew I had a gift for teaching and sharing knowledge in practicable and actionable ways, I wasn’t sure I had enough charisma for people to want listen to what I had to teach them.

All I had to do to bust this myth was start! I started to host live videos on Facebook and to my amazement, the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive!

Recognizing and working to overcome limiting beliefs has opened doors of opportunity for me. It has empowered me to embrace my creativity, serving as a stepping stone toward personal growth and accomplishment.

In a nutshell…

Taking the time to understand yourself is a rewarding adventure. It's a bit like exploring a treasure trove, but the treasure is you.

This journey offers you quality time with yourself, a chance to reflect, and find peace. It's in these moments that your thoughts take shape, and your dreams become clear.

Studying yourself also acts as a shield against disrespect, both from within and from others. Your self-assuredness radiates, letting others know your path is one of self-respect.

But the journey goes beyond understanding; it propels you toward conquering the world. With self-knowledge and confidence, you become unstoppable. You set sail on a mission to shape your destiny and impact the world.

In this spirit, I encourage you to share what you've learned about yourself. Your experiences can inspire others on their journey to self-awareness and fulfillment.

Love and Abundant Light!



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