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#001 - What Is Your Excuse?

We all aspire to be something, someone better than what we are right now. No matter how good you’ve got it, there is always a higher goal.

For some of us, we know what we want and how to get it and we step out each day pressing toward the goal. For some others, we are overwhelmed and paralyzed by many ‘strong reasons’ why that goal is so unattainable…

I am very familiar with ‘strong reasons’ that limit us, below are a few of those reasons: and examples of bad-ass people from the Bible who didn’t let those ‘reasons’ limit them..

Reason 1 — Your Lack Of Qualifications: Joseph’s last known "place of work” before he rose to become the governor of Egypt was a jail cell. He had no royal qualifications, except God’s promise which is all the qualification he needed anyway.

Peter was an unschooled fisherman, yet he became the influential leader of the early church.

Reason 2 — The Bad Economy: In a time of famine, Isaac sowed in a strange land and reaped a hundredfold. The good book says he became wealthier and wealthier till he was very wealthy. He didn’t have a superior strategy; God’s blessing was his advantage.

Reason 3 — The Weight Of Your Past Mistakes: Samson was born to be a deliverer of the people of Israel. He made some mistakes and fell from grace, but because God is merciful, He gave him the greatest victory of His life when he was down and out. You don’t have to end up like Samson. Come back to God now. Your victory awaits.

Reason 4 — Your Birth Order: David was the last child and he obviously wasn’t his father’s favorite. However, God, didn’t need his father’s approval to make David one of the greatest kings Israel ever had.

Joseph was the 11th son. He was destined to rule, but his brothers would have none of it. Their hostility and betrayal, however, couldn’t stop his rise. Ephraim was the younger child; he was preferred to his older brother, Manasseh.

Reason 5 — Your Past/ Bad Reputation: Mary Magdalene had serious mental health issues and some say she was a prostitute, yet God chose to use her to care for Jesus and His disciples, and she became the first witness to the resurrection of Christ. What an honor!

Reason 6 — Your Crazy Spouse/Marriage: Abigail was married to a man whose name meant “Fool” and he lived up to the name thoroughly. Yet the Bible records that she was a wise and beautiful woman with a good heart. Through her quick thinking, she saved her family from destruction and became the wife of King David after her husband’s death.

Reason 7 — Your Gender: Deborah was a woman, a wife, a prophet, a judge, and an adviser to kings and warriors. She wore many hats, and she wore them well.

Reason 8 — Your Ethnicity/Race: Esther became queen in a nation where she was a ‘minority’. She eventually saved her people from an evil genocidal plot.

Reason 9 — Lack Of Finances, AKA I Ain’t Got That Kind Of Money: Jesus faced with thousands of hungry people and chose to take on the challenge of feeding them. 5 loaves and 2 fishes fed over 5000 with 12 baskets left over.

The widow’s little jar of oil became the lifeline for her family’s survival. God doesn’t ask for what you don’t have; he multiples what you already have till it’s more than enough.

Reason 10 — Your Age: Abraham was 75 when he received the promise and God led him on a trip of a lifetime. He was 100 when he had his promised son. Solomon was in his 20’s when he became king; David was about 17 when he killed Goliath in battle.

Jesus was 12 when he preached His first sermon.

For every one of these people listed, there are thousands more walking among us in the present day... Search out relatable examples of people who have overcome the odds you face and be inspired by them!

What’s your excuse again? Yeah... didn’t think so!.

This is me saying to you... Go and be great!



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