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#003 - You are worth it. It is worth it.

Let us start off with an exercise..

Find a comfortable position and just relax, close your eyes and take 5 deep breaths exhaling slowly each time... Transport yourself via imagination to the life of your dreams... where are you? At home? At the office? Are you driving?

What do you look like? Weight? What are you wearing? What do you smell like? Do you have any makeup on? Your nails done?

What does your environment look like? Luxurious? Inviting? Relaxing?

Are you doing what you love to do and making tons of money while at it? Are you fulfilled? Happy at your achievements?

You see, that life right there.... that you just imagined.... that dream custom-made for you... that's the goal. And that's worth it.

You see that person in the dream, the one who looks like you, talks like you and even walks like you but definitely happier and more fulfilled... you are that person in the making!

Happiness and fulfillment doesn't just happen to us, we create it!

Locked within each of us is the power to be. You can be anything and everything you have ever dreamed of. No limitations, no boundaries exists in the world of being.

You can be all you have ever dreamed. You just have to lean into it.

Tell yourself every day that you wake up "I deserve that life!!".. and then go and make the daily contribution you need to make it happen.



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