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#005 - Men Vs Women: Equal But Different.

Men and Women are created equal but different.

How this concept is so difficult to grasp eludes me.

Take two cars, both dependable Toyotas. One is a 2022 Hilux, the other a 2022 Camry... both are certified perfect by the manufacturer.

Ask the rugged at heart and they will swear that the Hilux is the car to own, yet another more style and status-conscious person will stand with the Camry. Ask Toyota which car is superior and you will be told that they are both great models but made with different purposes in mind... A Camry is more suited to style and comfort, while a Hilux will serve you better for industrial purposes, there is no basis for comparison.

Does a Camry sometimes find itself lifting wood and heavy stuff, yes... it's not built for that originally but a Camry has got to do what Camry has got to do. Will you ever find a Hilux at a wedding as the bridal car? Yes, it may not be as dainty but it can serve that purpose too.

Same thing with men and women. We are both intricately designed yet with different purposes in mind. Please take note that The Bible (unarguably the most misquoted book in the world) describes wives as weaker vessels NOT lesser vessels.

1Peter 3:7 "In the same way, you husbands must give honor to your wives. Treat your wife with understanding as you live together. She may be weaker than you are, but she is your equal partner in God's gift of new life. Treat her as you should so your prayers will not be hindered..."

This weakness refers to the fragility of the physical frame by design not the state of the soul or spirit. The spirit, which is who we really are is asexual, it doesn't have a penis or a vagina. The body, which happens to be the weakest link in our makeup carries the sexual organs that make us either male or female. The soul is what gives expression and animation to our physical parts.

Human nature by default, however, seeks to subjugate another so, I am not powerful till you are weak.... yet we can both be equally powerful, and secure in our different purposes. Many cultural concepts are built on this evil domination mandate.

The men-are-superior-to-women-because-God-made-woman-out-of-a-man line of thinking is seriously flawed... stop it. Eve was the only woman ever created from a man, every other woman born after her came out of a vagina or an incision on the womb same as the next man. You should love your husband but you weren't made from his ribs, his rib isn't missing so you are not the lost one. He came from his mother and so did you.

Should you respect the role your husband plays in our home as the leader and 'general overseer'? Yes. It's a huge responsibility to lead any group of people and you should try to make it as easy for him as possible.

Now, is he superior to me because he is the leader in your home? No. That's silly, his leadership doesn't subtract anything from your abilities. It's like saying the class captain is superior to the other children in the class.

It's 2022, let's stop all this 'robo-rebe' please.




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