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#008 - Choices

Life rises and falls on choices!

At the point when you become a Christian and you commit yourself to this way of life and belief system that is faith in the finished work of Christ, you graduate from the realm of good vs evil, black vs white to the not so clear realm of grey vs not-so-grey.

Yes, plenty grey areas abound in the life of a Christian.

Someone offers you a mouth-watering gift that is a timely solution to an urgent need yet ‘something’ tells you not to collect it.. It’s not a bribe, neither is it profit from an evil scheme, you didn’t beg for the gift, the person just saw you and decided to ‘bless you’, yet this something which you now suspect might be the Holy Spirit tells you with an air of finality, “No, don’t accept”.

What do we call that? Is it not grey?

In a split second, you reason with God, quote His scriptures back to Him rapid fire style, “But Lord you said in Philippians 4:19 that you shall supply all my needs according to your riches in glory by Christ Jesus, you know I NEED this Lord, I will collect it because this must be a heavenly supply.” …and God goes silent (at least it seems so), so you think you’ve won the argument… and you collect it.

As you do, you feel a sense of disquiet within you but you soon learn to shut down that inner voice that won’t let you be great… As long as you aren’t doing anything overtly wrong, you are good.. Right? Wrong!

See ehn, the enemy is way smarter than we give him credit for. He knows better than to tempt a fully grounded child of God with stealing, killing and fornication... he is aware you have passed that level. So, how does he tempt you? He disguises as good. He comes as a seemingly harmless choice that is good, infact great even but is less than what God has planned for you. In getting you to settle for ‘good’, you miss out on ‘Best’.

Now, because he isn’t capable of doing anything that lasts, that good soon fades away and you are back at square one when if you had waited for best you’d be far more accomplished by now.

The devil knows he can’t stop you once you become a blood bought child of God but he sure can delay you and delay you he will till you can discern between good and best.

God’s grace powers your journey in Jesus name.




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