I used to be the queen of failed starts!
I would start things, find them hard, run out of steam, and stop them! Or I would start, really enjoy it for the first few week, then the novelty wears off and I stop. Weeks, months, and sometimes years down the line.. I’m back at that starting point I abandoned previously.. Now, with so much time lost.
I would wonder what was wrong with me and try to diagnose myself.. Was it ADHD, some biological disorder that had lack of focus and staying power as it’s main symptom..? Or was I simply lazy and unmotivated?
Eventually, I diagnosed myself with what I called ‘Lack Of Stickwithability’.
The ability to start and stick with hard things - an MBA, writing a book, a daily exercise routine, a consistent diet, etc.—is a precious skill that one must develop if you are to succeed, and not only that, enjoy enduring success at anything significant.
Stability and consistency are key ingredients (boring ingredients, I must add) to the recipe of any kind of enviable success story.
How do we develop these traits and stick things through to a reasonable conclusion?
Know your why!
Consistency and the ability to stick things through to the end is rooted in a deep understanding of why.. And that life’s results are a matter of cause and effect. You get out what you put in. So, if your why is financial independence at a certain age, you know you have to maintain consistency in your savings and investment practices.
2. Know your how!
Your why is an end goal. It’s a picture of a desirable future you. However, there is bridge between now and the then.. It’s called the How. How are you going to get to that destination? Nothing drains the motivation out of my veins like lack of clarity, not having a clear plan/pathway to that desired outcome is a sure path to confusion and disenfranchisement.
3. Know when!
What season of life are you in? Knowing and going with the flow of your divinely appointed seasons is key to enjoying peace and stability on your journey. Beyond your drive, motivation, and sheer willpower, there are some goals or tasks you cannot achieve outside of their duly appointed season. No matter how badly you want to be pregnant, you cannot do so until your body is biologically ready for it, either naturally or by artificial methods. Don’t set yourself up for frustration trying to push out dreams before they are ripe and ready for birth!
4. Know your who!
“A single bracelet does not jingle” says a super insightful African proverb. It’s true! Collaboration is the secret to many successful endeavors. You go further when you team up with right people of like mind to bring your shared vision to reality. Note my use of the phrase ‘shared vision’ - yes, whether as paid employees or unpaid equity partners, the dream must be shared and mutually exciting for your collaborators to have the buy-in needed to make a success of it.
The Bible which says “..one man will chase a thousand and two put ten thousand to flight” speaks to the power of shared vision and teamwork. Leverage it!
With these few words of mine, I have been able to convince you and not confuse you that - You Can Stick With Things! You can do it!!
Love and Abundant Light!